One hour and 12 minutes are all it takes for a hacker to get your personally identifiable information from a phishing email.

Phishing emails are one of the most popular methods that hackers use to gain access to people's personally identifiable information (PII). And it's alarmingly effective; according to a recent study,…

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Cyber Insurance For The SMB

If you're a small business owner, it's important to make sure you have the proper insurance in case of a cyber breach. A data breach can be costly for a small business, so it's essential to have coverage in case of an incident. Cyber insurance can help protect your business from the financial impact of a cyber breach. Here's what you need to know about cyber insurance.

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SMBs, Beware: The Dangers of Cybersecurity Threats

Small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) are at high risk for cyber attacks. This is because they often lack the resources to properly secure their networks and protect their data. In this blog post, we will discuss some of the dangers that SMBs face when it comes to cybersecurity. We will also provide tips on how they can protect themselves from ransomware, data loss, and human error.

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